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I was intending on being on The Presidential Ballot for the year 2020. I was having The Biggest Trouble getting my name on The Ballot. The following is what I intended to Present,,,,

Excuse our humble beginnings. Taking Police Homicides and Protests and Riots into consideration-There is an African Proverb that reads "For The Lack of Vision My People Perish" end quote. The Forward Moving Party Officially called Kassa (Quranic Arabic word meaning To Clothe) Party Symbol is a Sound System Speaker because language is so important...The Caption reads We Cannot Stop Now Forward Movement Continues .

Like Barack Obama and Donald Trump Before they were elected did not spend entire careers in the halls of Washington Likewise for me also. My name is Awulu Salaam. Awulu means defending myself against what is against me. Salaam means Peace be upon me. Before my name was Awulu Salaam it was Jihad Yusuf. A Name given because of Virtuousness. In Barack Obama's opening presentation when He was President He wore a Silver Tie. Now I come out in the Gold Tie.

According to The Bible Prophet Christ Isa said "Who is Greater is it the Servant or the One at the table. Is it not the One at the table" It's not just my victory, It's America's Victory. Though I'm a realist, With Covid 19 Pandemic I suggest we pray about this. Perhaps We can find better medications that heal the illness that has caused so many deaths. With research by The Ranks a home remedy was developed, It is beleived that if one simply Boils Water Adds Baking Soda And inhale The fumes a few to several times that is a cure,,, Don't get your nose too close to the pot or cup. It can burn you.

Let's remember our Elderly. Dr. John Henrick Clark said "In most or all of Africa there is no word for Nursing Homes Because no one threw away any old folks". end quote. I know it may be difficult difficult difficult however let's try to do our part to help them be properly comfortable. Even visiting them often if (G-d forbid) they have to go into nursing homes. If we keep living, we are going to be that age someday. Now, In Business class at Northwestern, we were taught that the purpose of Business was to maximize profit . . . I took it to mean monetary profit. I disagree.... To me, Should i say (us)? the purpose of business, coupled with a balanced life, is to be employed or an employer, Or simply a good hustler, working in an area we are passionate about to fulfill individual goals and collective goal (Ensha Allah). Perhaps one will work in one area and interest or one's calling may change. We want to stay refreshed abreast or walking or running or learn how to maneuver through the Business Environment.... Those who are aged enough to remember know that at one time America had Of the strongest products I think The strongest products on the planet. We want the strongest products back (Built in America Stamp). I said it Right. I have been working and hope to continue working to have more Concious Music worked into Hip Hop radio station song rotations. The Teacha KRS 1 said "radio listening is down". End quote Mostly whites buy rap. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring music that can bring healing. It will be good for both sides.

I'd like to rebuild The World Trade Center,,

Cyber Security Problems. Everyone has their baby right..We hope to make cybercrimes almost nonexistent by the end of our term. If Nations can agree on rules of war, we can agree on heavier penalties for cyber crimes. Heavier Penalties get to the root of the problem mentioned.

Back in the Day Dr. Benjamin Banneker selected Virginia because of the centralized location of the thirteen colonies. The locale of The Capital is outdated. I will promote that The capital be moved to Atlanta. A place where African Americans tend to look to as A Home. A number of African Americans have come back to The Metropolis in the South Looking for Spiritual Renewal. Have not African Americans been the conscience of The Nation? With A Rebirth happening through The Ranks Rap Album Era of The Ranks by A Champion With this help we and others are starting to get Back on Track. Atlanta has been a place where some have come to in droves hoping to find advancement in The Arts and Mathematics.

My stance on gay rights is this no Penis was made to go into a rectum. And no rectum was made for a penis to go into. It was made to take a crap out of. However, if someone chooses to be openly Gay or Lesbian, , I like Barack Obama recognize that they should still have rights at the workplace.

We have laid Groundwork for The City in the Sea. We're gaining potential for a futuristic build of terminals Through the Ocean with Modern and Futuristic Amenities. Taking certain factors into consideration These will stretch From The Shores of America to Africa, To Europe, The Middle East, And Asia. If I Officially become President--I will not possess authority of nuclear weapons. I think I owe it to the American People because like former President Abraham Lincoln I have an extra Mental Challenge. Like he had at one time. I think with age and experiences perhaps some are healed. On to the next topic. Some of our elderly or handicapped for example Simply haven't acquired knowledge to use a computer on a cell phone. I'm asking you to do a portion of legwork. Help me help you. I'm asking you to take cell phones to the people (taking precautions). Find a way to salute, then, ask permission, and if they agree, present this video to them. Now I have been called the Problem Child in the Community however I'm trying to do better. Here's what I've been accused of: Drinking Alcohol and sleeping with street women. And they can't do nothing but talk about me I guess. A reminder, my birthname was, then Jehaad Yusuf, Now Awulu Salaam. On Election Day Vote with the Kassa Party. The idea is to not be in your space taking up all your time. We have told you what we intend to do. Please make time to review this Video as the Poll Opening Day Approaches. On Election Day let's hit the Ballots. We Cannot Stop Now. Thanks For reviewing this presentation.

It went Something Like Dat,,

The Party of Kassa.

What The Party Of Kassa does is this: We Present Possible Potential Laws to Congress. Congress then use their expertise to Take the possible potential law to the next level or Dismiss the possible potential Law.

The Party of Kassa Opening Words

Don't Be Standing Over Us Like No Muthafuckin Or G-d Damn unjust Hawk.

The Party of Kassa Uniform is this: Men Are to put on black pants white shirts black coats and gold ties. Women are to be attired in gold and white Dresses or gold and black Dresses or solid black solid white or solid gold Dresses.

The Problem with The Workforce Now is that Some People Must be tampering with Computers and Cell Phones when American People are trying to fill out Applications for Jobs----The Solution is to Bring Back Paper Applications. Our argument is that it should be mandatory for places of employment to have paper applications available for potential employees.

Words to Congress

Build Iron Roads or Strong Metallic Roads with Part of The 1 Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Agreement. That is if it is agreed that we get our monetary share.

We want for The Unspeakable Practice Of Referring to Those Locked In Correctional Facilities As Inmates To Cease From Now On. We want America To Quit Using The words or terms inmates or inmate towards those locked in with the same sex.


Electronic billboards

Modernized Cellular Phones (Excluding VolP cell phones)

Sewerage System Designs (Before The End of The Year 2023) Using The Fluid That might be used in Mobile Homes, Busses, and Airplane Restrooms and Bathrooms. When that fluid (in the proceeding) is used inBathrooms and Restrooms, We Expect to Get Paid.

Electronic signs at fat food restaurants. Both still picture and videos.

Awulu's mom water bottle invention.


Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

It looks to us like listening to music or Tunes and Tunes with Lyrics can help bring Healing. If you haven't been listening to Tunes much we suggest starting with headphones. THEN GRADUALLY TO THE BEST SOUND SYSTEMS. Headphones then more comfortable sounds. Treble Bass Perhaps Horns or Flutes Perhaps Rap..And on This Album Era of The Ranks Which is Complete With Speeches An Attempt Is Made to give life giving words.

Treatment For Parkinson's Disease

We Beleive Music (That Takes One Up And Not Down) Of One's Choice At The Volume (With A Small Amount Or A Good Bass Level depending on the comfort level). Also with Proper Protein Intake (Not too much Not Too Little) And Proper Religious Guidance preferably Scripture Revealed From The One True G-d. And Living A Moderate and Balanced Life, With Time This Looks Like It Can Help Alleviate Parkinson's Disease...